Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hi everyone, my name is Eloise and I'd like to thank you for stopping by and looking at my blog. As I said my name's Eloise, and I live in England. I am going to use this blog to keep track of how my mission to turn 100% Raw goes, so it will be like a diary, it is also going to be my motivation to stick to it as I know it is going to be hard.

So you're probably wondering what my reasons are for going raw, well firstly I am not happy with my weight and I haven't been for a long time, because of constant yo-yo dieting I lose weight and gain it again. I'm not going to lie and say it's because eat an awful diet because I don't, anyone who knows me knows I try to pick healthier options. The beginning of constant yo-yo dieting started at a very young age of 13 yes 13, I was never a chubby child, but after the transition into secondary school everyone started to judge you by the way you looked and not how much fun your are to be around. So it started at 13 and by the age of 14 I had become anorexic. Thankfully as I have a strict father I didn't end up in hospital, however once the doctor found out, I was under there watch for a couple of months. That was a very horrible, traumatic 2 years of my life, but I am one of the lucky ones who can say I have recovered from an eating disorder. Now at 16 I still get thoughts about not eating and wanting to go back to the weight I used to be. But I know it is unhealthy and that leads me on to my second reason, I want to become healthier, It's all good me eating my five a day but I know I do not put the right nutrients and minerals etc. into my body through a mere 5 portions of fruit/veg a day. From the anorexia I have been left with a couple of problems, weak back, weak knees (partly hereditary too though), anemia, thin hair and nails, dull skin and I also suffer with asthma but that wasn't caused by my eating habits.

I know there will probably be people out there who think eat less and exercise then, well until my body becomes healthier and in balance I find it very uncomfortable to exercise, pounding on the ground during running or bending kills my knees and back. Your back is one of the worst places to injure because your spine supports you. The asthma obviously also holds me back too. However, I'm not saying I do not try because I have bought a membership for a gym along with making the lifestyle change of becoming 100% Raw, so I am willing to make the effort.

So, I heard about Raw Foodism when I came across Angela Stokes' story. I was completely shocked and amazed. She looked fabulous not only because she was 12 stone lighter (I think it was) but glowy and healthy. This was truly the only inspiration I needed.

The only problem is I don't know too much about the whole transition and at the moment I'm just using books and other people's advise on here to help me get through this. So if you are a Raw Foodie, please let me know any tips, it will be much appreciated.

That's it for now, a pretty long first post haha, they will be shorter in future as I will be posting what I eat and how I feel etc. speak to you soon.


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